Our Brand... A Reflection of Place

Our Brand... A Reflection of Place

We are finally drying out here in California after an epic cold and wet Winter. Now the dance of getting pastures dried out enough for not only grass to grow but also to rotationally graze the cows that are happily moving around. These cycles of the Earth and the natural world are often absent in industrial agricultural that does not possess biodiversity or the normal movement of ruminants. Where feed is shipped from global sources to confined barns or pens where the animals are kept.

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Regenerative Practices with Multiple Generations

Can you imagine your own health if you were constrained to a small area and eating the same thing day after day?(sounds like your college dorm room) Contrast that to the farming systems of our Redwood Coast where rich, verdant pastures sprout native grasses, clovers and wild flowers and the cows have an acre or two each to wander. Mammals(us included) need movement and diversity of diet and interactions.

We have been rolling out our rebranding that begins to tell a deeper story of the where, why and the how of our farming and cheese making. While organic standards focus on what doesn’t go into the soil or the animals, increasingly we are aware of the importance of the incredible array of life that exists beneath the surface of healthy soil and the rich ecosystem of biodiversity.   We are blessed to partner with our farmers who have been regeneratively farming long before it became the cool terms adopted by global food conglomerates.

Many have been caring for these lands for five or six generations and they have learned that there is a natural size and rhythm that must be maintained. This is a place that with a small land mass of the river plains that make their way from the timbered coastal ranges that are the lungs of our nation’s most populous state.

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Creeks, Sloughs and Pastures Dot the Landscape


With care, the pastures grow, and the animals produce the cleanest milk that is abundant with high levels of Omega 3s and Beta-carotene. And because of the lack of industrial pollution and the addition of cleansing rains, clean comes in the form of a lack of heavy metals that can be found in some sources.

So that is a just a little bit of the Where and How but what about the Why? Why is it important to protect and nurture this last stand of family scale organic farming? Wouldn’t it be easier to manage large swathes of flat acres with drones and automation? In places that are unconstrained by the natural limits of an ecosystem? Shipping grain, hay and water from hundreds if not thousands of miles?

Eating is an agriculture act. 
- Wendell Berry

Easier? Yes, in the beginning, but over the long haul, we have seen the solutions of big and disconnected show cracks.   Wendell Berry has written eloquently about the need for more eyes per acre. Of next generations who are committed to observing and nurturing the diversity of life above and beneath the soil.

Rural farmers in close proximity to urban centers who deliver daily to high end restaurants and markets can connect easily to the needs of their consumers. Our farmers who are 6 hours away from Portland or San Francisco struggle on their own to develop and maintain these connections.

We have learned that working together..farmers, processors, distributors, marketers, universities to name a few…to build the bridge with outside markets is essential to know both the land and the needs of consumers. Our company feels a deep responsibility to be part of this bridge that if we let wash out, strands family farmers from their markets.

So I hope you pause for just a minute when you pick up our new package and know that your purchase supports communities and practices of agriculture that are truly regenerative.

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  • Joe Baird, CEO
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